A Phoneographic Post-Procedure Pheast

Phoneographic Pheast | ©Tom Palladio ImagesI know this is way more information than you bargained for, but just shy of the 24-hour mark of fasting, during which I forced down four liters of a citrus-flavored polyethylene glycol solution to pave the way for this morning’s “Roto-Rooter” medical procedure, sans a “twilight” sedation, at Ospedale San Bortolo in beautiful downtown Vicenza — it went fine, thanks for asking — I was famished.

Sputtering home with my tank pointing well past empty, I could think of only one thing: FOOD.

Suffice it to say, the late-morning ingest hit the spot and I feel like I’m almost back to normal. Here’s what the pheast looked like — via my iPhone 5, not an endoscope — before I attacked it like a pheeding phrenzy along the Serengeti Plain.

To view more shots captured with mobile handhelds by my fellow digital ringtone shooters, just click HERE.

If you occasionally shoot with a smartphone or tablet, why not join in the fun and hone your craft. There’s a rotating Phoneography Challenge each and every Monday.

For complete details, click on over to Sally’s Lens and Pens by Sally.

Until next Monday, let your phone be your lens.

©The Palladian Traveler | ©Tom Palladio Images

TPT Borsalino 2014 Color |©Tom Palladio Images



    1. Don’t be. It was just a routine procedure without much discomfort, even when you wave off the “twilight” sedation. With three female attendants — 1 doc, 2 nurses — looking on, I couldn’t very well cry in front of them. 🙂

  1. I’m NOT doing the ph-test with you today; I’m just not!! 🙂 Glad all went well. Having done this once and not being able to keep down all nasty liquid, I can empathize. Your feast looks wonderful, per usual. I also did food today, which I don’t usual do, at least in photos. 🙂

    Maybe you could do a movie sequel to “Ender’s Game.” BWG.


    1. Pardon the pun, but I wanted in and out of there as quickly as possible. I was back out on street in 45-min. and devouring that breakfast pheast in about 90-min. Kinda like calf roping at a rodeo.

      1. non lo sapevo che dovevi fare quell’esame molto noioso e fastidioso,senza anestesia sei forte!!

      2. Era routine e ho scelto di sottoporsi senza anestesia locale, come ho fatto l’anno scorso. La biopsia è tornato negativo e sto bene. Io non dovrò farlo ancora per altri tre anni.

      1. la dieta, terribile di verdure bollite e tristi..stracchino e prosciutto cotto,niente?


  2. pensaso fosse troppo ,subito dopo l’esame..quando ritorno un buon pranzetto speciale assieme alla Lucia..
    il vino c’è ancora

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